École Nationale des Arts du Cirque de Rosny-sous-bois

How to get here? Administrative contacts

How to get here?

How to get here?

The school of ENACR is located at:

22 rue Jules Guesde

93110 Rosny-sous-Bois

Prepare your journey.

Walking from the RER station of Rosny sous Bois: 17 minutes by foot.

Take the Général Leclerc street.

Take your left at the Edouard Beaulieu street.

Take the Jules Guesde street.

By the RER station

The Rosny sous Bois (RER E) stop.

Prepare your route with the interactive map of the RATP

By Bus

Bus 116 - The Mairie Rosny sous Bois RER stop 

Bus 143 – Rosny sous Bois RER

Bus 121 - Rosny School

Prepare your route with the interactive map of the RATP

By Autolib’

Stations without subscription terminal:

5 avenue Jean Jaurès,

93110 Rosny-sous-Bois

Station with subscription terminal: 

1 rue Claude Pernès,

93110 Rosny sous Bois

Consult the Autolib’ stations map

Administrative contacts

Administrative contacts

CEO / Cyril Thomas : 01 56 63 05 40 - direction@enacr.com

Administration  / Michel Charles-Beitz : 01 56 63 05 42 - michel.charles-beitz@enacr.com 

Pedagogy - Professional training/ Mapy Mouisson : 01 56 63 05 41 - mapy.mouisson@enacr.com

Pedagogy - Circus Recreation / Sylvain Laurent : 01 56 63 05 40 - sylvain.laurent@enacr.com 

Communication, cultural actions and mediation  / Eliott Vidal Calvo - Eliott.vidal-calvo@enacr.com

Administration Officer/ Samantha Le Gall : 01 56 63 05 48 - samantha.legall@enacr.com  Fabienne Tissier : fabienne.tissier@enacr.com

Accounting/ Marc Hanifi : 01 56 63 05 44 - marc.hanifi@enacr.com

Technical management / Roland Bontaz: roland.bontaz@encar.com

Technique / Mohammed Gakou